Snoring Cessation

Is snoring starting to affect your sleep or causing you concern? Did you know that as dentists, we may be able to help? Our clinicians provide simple devices to help reduce snoring to make way for a peaceful night sleep. fees

Sleepwell Sleep Apnea Appliance / Snoring Gum Shield

Sleepwell prevents the lower jaw from dropping back during sleep thereby preventing the closure of your airways during sleep – an effective stop snoring remedy. Sleepwell is a custom made mouth piece produced within our laboratory to fit your teeth. Sleepwell has some unique features including a soft inner lining, allows side to side movement of the lower jaw and most importantly allows the patient to adjust it to maximize effectiveness. High levels of patient comfort meant that during clinical trials over 98% of patients found Sleepwell an acceptable snoring remedy.

It is the most clinically successful and advanced two-piece mouth piece to help stop snoring.

Sleepwell addresses a number of important key features including maximum comfort, retention and full patient adjustability. It is produced by specially trained and dedicated technicians.

Key benefits of Sleepwell Anti Snoring Dental Appliance

– Customised to your mouth for maximum comfort
– Highly Successful – a reported 95% success in reducing snoring
– Self-adjustable permitting longer life and total flexibility
– Robust but slim line
– Side to side movement whilst being worn
– Prevents tooth damage from clenching / grinding
– Modification can be made to allow for dental treatment.

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